Lopez Family Dental LLC

  • Dentistry
1123 West Wisconsin St
Sparta, WI 54656
(608) 269-8400
(608) 269-8411 (fax)
Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-5:00PM
Most Fridays 8:00AM-12:00PM
  • About

    Smiles by Design is a state-of-the-art dental office offering our patients a full range of quality, gentle dental services by highly trained and experienced dental professionals in a warm, family friendly environment.

    Our Mission Statement

    To provide quality general, cosmetic, and preventive dentistry in a wholesome, relaxed, family-friendly environment

    To consistently offer our patients a professional and pleasant dental experience so they feel comfortable and safe in our care, knowing that we have their best interest in mind

    To educate our patients, thereby making them our partners with the goal of improving and maintaining their oral health and general well-being

    To hire and maintain dedicated, qualified, professional individuals who work together as a efficient team to assist Dr. Lopez and ali providers to consistently deliver a standard of dental care that is greater than our patients may reasonably expect

    To provide a healthy, safe, fun, and functional work environment for our employees so that their best time and resources can be dedicated to providing patient care

  • Directions

    Located on W Wisconsin St (Hwy 16) just west of Black River St (Hwy 27/71) in Sparta

Printed courtesy of www.bikesparta.com – Contact the Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
111 Milwaukee Street, Sparta, WI 54656 – (608) 269-4123 – membership@bikesparta.com